“You don’t deserve to be married to such a handsome man.”
“I don’t know what your spouse saw in you; he should search for someone as attractive as himself.”
“I hate to break it to you, but you need to reduce weight. You don’t mesh well with your husband at all.”
Jenna responded to individuals who condemned her in an unexpected way because she was unaffected by or scared by their remarks:
Being married to Mr. 6-Pack himself has contributed to some of her body-image issues, she writes. “Why should I get him as a curvy girl? I construct stories in my brain about how I’m not worthy of him because I’m not skinny.
She said, “For the last 10 years, this guy has accepted every curve, every dimple, every pound, and every pimple, and he has constantly reminded me that I am beautiful even when my internal thoughts didn’t agree. I chose the man who could manage all that (and so much more!) despite the fact that my thighs are big, my arms are large, and my bum is huge.”
Jenna was grateful and taken aback by the attention that followed as she received a barrage of kind remarks.
She wrote in an Instagram post on Tuesday, “We’ve spent the last few days laughing at the fact that society thinks seeing two people in love (who happen to have different body types) is newsworthy, but we are embracing it wholeheartedly because it means we get to share our message with YOU, with the world.”
“Our bodies are not who we are. Drew is not defined by the title “Mr. Six Pack,” and I am not defined by terms like “curvy” or “plus size,” she said.